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Saturday, 12 January 2013

$100,000 Dalam 1 Wang Kertas ! REAL !

Wang kertas bernilai $100 ribu
Pernah tak korang nampak wang kertas dengan nilai $100,000? Tak pernah? memang patut pun..sebab kalau korang memilikinya, itu dianggap jenayah terutama bagi rakyat Amerika.

Ini dia wang kertas dengan nilai $100,000 dan ia sebenarnya memang wujud dan hanya digunakan dalam urusniaga antara bank-bank sahaja.

Berikut laporan The Huffington Post mengenai wang kertas $100 ribu ini.

When it comes to cash, many of us believe the $100 bill, graced with Ben Franklin's face, is king. Not so. Long before everyone starting talking about a trillion-dollar coin to fix the deficit, the U.S. government was printing and minting some seriously valuable lucre.

Behold the $100,000 bill. The 100-grand bill was printed at the height of the Great Depression on Dec. 18, 1934, according to Bloomberg. Technically called gold certificates, these bills were designed to spur inflation and were only swapped between Federal Reserve banks. They were never circulated publicly (just owning one is illegal).

Primarily designed to facilitate money transfers between banks, the big bills largely fell out of circulation after wire transfers were invented -- making life a little harder for gangsters, and nobody else.  
*$100,000 dalam 1 wang kertas..? Fuu tak bawa dompet pun tak apa haha..

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