
Thursday, 20 December 2012

Mayat Makhluk Asing Ditemui Di Salji Siberia..!

Makhluk Asing di Russia

Mayat Makhluk Asing Ditemui Di Salji Siberia | Tidak lama dahulu, lebih kurang sebulan yang lepas, kecoh satu dunia dengan keluarnya satu video youtube yang menunjukkan mayat seekor (ke seorang haha kompius aku) makhluk asing terdampar di sebalik putih salji. Video itu difahamkan diambil di wilayah Siberia di Rusia. Tapi aku hairan la, kenapa kalau orang jumpa makhluk asing mesti dalam keadaan bogel. Tak bertamadun ke kaum makhluk asing tu? Kan makhluk asing telah mencapai teknologi hebat dengan UFO, yang boleh bergerak selaju cahaya, takkan baju sepasang pun tak mampu nak buat? Aku bersangka baik, baju dia terbakar kot masa terhempas tu hehe. Tapi yang pasti, samada makhluk asing ni wujud ke tak, ko tanya la diri sendiri. Atau kalau ko takde jawapan, ko pergi baca al-Quran sekarang. Kan Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit: “…Tetapi (yang sebenarnya), Allah telah mengangkat Isa kepada-Nya. Dan adalah Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana..” (An Nisaa’:158).
Baginda Nabi Isa dan “tentera-tenteranya” insyaAllah akan turun ke Bumi di akhir zaman untuk memerangi Dajjal. Sila lihat hadis soheh ini. “Tidak ada seorang nabi pun antara aku dan Isa dan sesungguhnya ia benar-benar akan turun (dari langit), apabila kamu telah melihatnya,maka ketahuilah; bahwa ia adalah seorang laki-laki berperawakan tubuh sedang, berkulit putih kemerah-merahan. Ia akan turun dengan memakai dua lapis pakaian yang dicelup dengan warna merah, kepalanya seakan-akan meneteskan air walaupun ia tidak basah” (HR Abu Dawud).
Sekelompok dari ummatku akan tetap berperang dalam dalam kebenaran secara terang-terangan sampai hari kiamat, sehingga turunlah Isa Ibn Maryam, maka berkatalah pemimpin mereka (Al Mahdi): “Kemarilah dan imamilah shalat kami”. Ia menjawab; “Tidak, sesungguhnya sebagian kamu adalah sebagai pemimpin terhadap sebagian yang lain, sebagai suatu kemuliaan yang diberikan Allah kepada ummat ini (ummat Islam)” (HR Muslim & Ahmad).
Tiba-tiba Isa sudah berada diantara mereka dan berkumandangkanlah solat, maka dikatakan kepadanya, majulah kamu (menjadi imam solat) wahai roh Allah.” Ia menjawab: “Hendaklah yang maju itu pemimpin kamu dan hendaklah dia yang mengimami solat kamu” (HR Muslim & Ahmad).
Bagi yang tak pernah tengok atau berkesempatan untuk tengok, mari lihat video di bawah ni. Tanya diri korang nak caya ke tak tentang makhluk asing ni? Aku suka komen mamat ni, “wanna see a real alien? so take a look in a mirror then…

INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of what a group of Russians claim to be the remains of a mangled alien. The lifeless ‘body’ was supposedly discovered lying in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash last month. The ‘extra-terrestrial’ appears to have suffered horrific injuries – including the loss of one limb. Shocked villagers had told of seeing a pink and blue glowing object hurtling towards the town before the ‘alien’ was found.

The bizarre reports were taken so seriously, they were investigated by the country’s Emergencies Ministry staff. The mystery deepened when investigators said no aircrafts were reported in the area. And search and rescue teams found no evidence of an aircraft crash.The strange clip has now been seen by nearly 900,000 people since Sunday. But cynical YouTube viewers have claimed it is an elaborate fake. One blogger said: “This has got to be a hoax. Why do all aliens have to be naked.”
It just seems too strange to be true. But in the frozen wastes of Siberia two walkers claim to have found the body of an alien. On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly-damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia. The area is a known UFO hotspot and video of the alien’s corpse has become a massive worldwide hit with hundreds of thousands of followers after being posted on the internet.
The corpse of the badly-damaged creature which resembles ET is 2ft-high. Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head. UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash. The area is a known UFO hotspot with dozens of sightings reported every year. It follows reports of a UFO hurtling towards Earth in the nearby Irkutsk region of Siberia one month ago.
‘We couldn’t believe it when we saw it. And what was spooky is that there was no sign of the spaceship. Perhaps that was taken away and the body overlooked,’ said Igor Molovic, one of the pair that uploaded the video. The clip has now been seen by nearly 700,000 people within a few days. Cynics claim the video is a fake using a carefully staged model for the alien’s body.
But one fan wrote’: ‘It’s so lame how people always get thrilled by having another excuse to shout “Fake! fake!” every time something weird shows up. Unless proven otherwise, this is in fact plausible. ”If this is fake – then they are masters at models/puppets. I think it’s real – one of the very few, great vid.,’ said another.

P/s : Seperti yang admin selalu perkatakan,setiap yang terjadi adalah kehendakNya..Wallahualam...

Kredit : melayukini